Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Strange New World

My life has suddenly taken a turn into uncharted territory. I had a drink last night with a new guy, have a dinner date tonight with another new guy. My inbox has exploded in the past two days. Y'know how I said maybe I'd try dating several people and not thinking about the long-term relationship? Evidently putting those words into pixels caused it to happen. Hmmm, I should have said something like that years ago!

On December 23rd last year, when I got a call from the VA for a job interview (after 17 months of throwing résumés out into the universe), I had a sense that 2006 was going to be my year. Then within two-and-a-half weeks, I got calls from Computer Task Group and UofA. With one phone interview (and no submission of writing sample) I got my perfect-fit job at IBM. My sense about 2006 continued when Jacki called to tell me they were going to sell the house and to ask if I wanted it. Now I have my wonderful little midtown cottage. And then with the end of each three-month relationship — in February, in June, apparently in late September, I questioned the fulfilling of my life in 2006.

And now?! I'm awestruck. I've never had so many men interested in me simultaneously. It sure blows my mother's early tenet that I'm dumb, ugly and incompetent, huh?

I'm not sure how long this is going to last. I'm not sure how well I'm going to deal with it. But maybe, for once in my life, I'll just enjoy it while it lasts and not worry about the unknown.

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