Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Moral of the Story

I may not have made my point with yesterday's story.

Mr. Match says his exploring all available women online isn't competition. Darlin', if it ain't competition, WTF do you think it is?!

Mr. Match thinks his going out with other women shouldn't bother me. He thinks his ex-fiance's behavior, her incessant and importunistic calls, her requests to spend time with him, shouldn't have any impact on my life. But each call, each time he meets her for dinner, harkens back to EW's behavior and John's eventual acquiescence.

Y'know the overused and now outmoded phrase, "Been there, done that"? Well, I've been there and had that done to me and don't need any more T-shirts for that event.


Anonymous said...

Read the poem, "The Married Lover" by Coventry Patmore. It was written from a man's point of view, so change the gender in the text.

jc said...

Well, I'm not very good with poetry, but I did find and read this poem. I didn't really glean a lot from it, but found the last line to be rather brutal.