Monday, October 16, 2006

Changes of Perspective

The events of the past month or so, the shaking of my trust, have made me wonder if I really do want just one man for the rest of my life. More specifically it has made me wonder if I want a husband/spouse-equivalent. Would I prefer a relationship similar to that with my grandchildren: if I get tired of 'em, I send 'em home?? (Just an analogy, Tyler. I don't think I could ever get tired of them.)

Maybe I do want just one man in a committed relationship but have him reside under his own roof. Now there's a new thought.

Every so often in the Tucson paper you read about over-50s who get married but then move into a house with a guest house. One of them lives in the main house, the other in the guest house. That way he can watch all the football or talking heads he wants and she can have the lovely, tidy, peaceful house she wants. They're there for each other, but the relationship never loses its newness or mystery.


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