Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Signs from the Universe

I drove up to Tyler's office in a rental car this morning. When he asked about my car, I explained that the first time I was going to Mr. Match's apartment, after entering the gate code to enter the complex, I scraped the whole side of my car on the concrete posts that are positioned in front of the keypad.

His response: haven't you had enough signs about this guy?

P.S. It is to laugh: USAA called to ask me if the posts had any scrapes on them. Honey, if they did, I wasn't the only one to put them there. The person who positioned those posts is a freaking idiot! And I'm out-of-pocket $500. Oh well.

P.P.S. But my Contintal Ranch house is rented, so a little bit of pressure is relieved.

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