Saturday, September 23, 2006

Are all men stupid, or just this one?

I'm basically all done here. He might be able to recover from his errors of today, but it's questionable.

Mr. Match had a date tonight with someone he met on Match. Okay, so he gets maybe 100 points for answering my question honestly when I asked what he had going on tonight. But he lost thousands of points for going out on a date with someone else when he's been so very involved with me for so long. And he had the gall to tell me not to be jealous, that it didn't become me!

I feel really bad for the woman he went out with, who thinks she's getting an available man. Oh, my mistake. I guess he is an available man. How silly of me.

He said he was narrowing down his "accounts" on Match. I'm not real clear on why he has an obligation to any of the women on Match if he's been involved with me for over twelve weeks.

I looked at my calendar tonight. We've been out 47 times in 12 weeks. Do the math: that's an average of four times a week. And that includes two weeks where he was out of town all week.

I'm always so relieved when the three month point is past, because I feel like there's a foundation and I don't have to think anymore about trying to find someone to go out with. The three month point for this relationship is next Thursday, and now I guess I've gotta start all over again.

Let me tell you something. I'm a really good girlfriend. If he can't recognize that and want to grab ahold and hang on, then he doesn't deserve what I've got to offer. (And I can hear my children cheering, 15 miles away, at that statement.)


Jaci Clark said...

"YAY! WOOHOO!" *DIL cheering from 15 miles away* :)

TJ said...

And from slightly farther away too.