Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Five Ways to Know You Are Broken Up

The Greg Behrendt Show premiered this afternoon, and I had to laugh at how on-target his "Five Spot" was today. He says it's not always easy to know when you're broken up, so he had his top five ways. It goes like this:

5) His girlfriend asks you to stop calling.

4) He keeps setting you up on dates.

3) Movers are taking his stuff out of your house.

2) He keeps saying "We're broken up".

1) Your birthday present is a restraining order.

It's almost as if Greg's been reading along as I've been writing.

Mr. Match dropped by tonight, and the ex-fiancée called again. When he hung up the phone, he said, "she's mad about something". And again I realized that I'm not going to have to take any action or say anything, because this woman is going to shoot herself in the foot in good time.

I just have to figure out how to realign my timeline to hers.


Anonymous said...

I took a different lesson from it. -ty

TJ said...

Yeah, me too.

jc said...

Do tell!