Friday, January 04, 2008

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

Frank came over last night to take me to dinner and then spent half an hour helping me with various little things around the house.

I hugged him, as always, when he came in. Then I pulled back and asked, "Have you been smoking?" He looked at me and laughed and said, "Oh, your nose!" Then I asked again, "Have you started smoking again?" He said, "Just cigars." I told him those were the worst. I'm so allergic to cigar smoke I don't even like to think about them.

Then he said, "Well, all the girls are doing it." These single women who live up in his development in the foothills are all now smoking the little cigars. They go for walks around the development and smoke cigars, evidently. Jill is a high school principal, a beautiful woman in her late 40s. Susan is in media sales and in her early 50s. Really, what are they thinking?!

As we ate dinner, we were talking about Frank's lady friend, Mariah. They've been seeing each other for six months or so now. She is a massage therapist. He said she was getting him to be more healthy, taking vitamins, thinking about what he's eating. I asked what she thought about his cigar habit. His reply? "Oh, she smokes."

To me that is simply incongruous. A massage therapist who is concerned about the health practices of herself and others but smokes cigarettes?

Please, introduce me to some people with brains.

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