Saturday, January 26, 2008

Last Gasp Exploring

As I wait for the job offer to arrive, I'm aware that the end of my time in Tucson is near. Last night at Rio Cafe, Kris was telling me about her photojournalism class. I started to say, "I can't wait to hear how the rest of the semester goes," when I realized I wouldn't be here for the rest of the semester. This is getting realer and realer! Tears come quickly to my eyes, and I'm trying to make sure I'm getting all desired activities included in the schedule before I leave.

Sometime between last summer when Frank hung my antique chandelier to last week when he took it down and attempted to reinstall the ceiling fan, I lost the bracket that secures it to the box in the ceiling. Alas, Casablanca fans only accept Casablanca parts. And the only place to purchase Casablanca parts in Tucson is several miles out Bopp Road. When I realized I'd have to drive out there today if I wanted that fan installed in the next couple of days, I decided to take the scenic route, out through Gates Pass and down past Old Tucson Studios. I had never been past Old Tucson, so this was a fun drive.

As my time is winding down, I find myself viewing Tucson through a visitor's eyes. And I've got to tell you, driving through all those saguaros (sah-WAHR-oh, for you non-Tucsonans) on top of the Tucson Mountains is a staggering sight. I could sit and stare at those acres and acres of saguaros for hours on end.

Today was uncharacteristically cloudy, as we prepare for a rare rainy day tomorrow. Even with the clouds, I've got to tell you that this is one gorgeous part of the world.

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