Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Cosseted, Caressed Cat

I woke up at 4:00 this morning with a bit of a headache. Back to my usual routine: Excedrin, glass of cold water (as the iced tea pitcher was empty), and ice pack to the back of my neck. I crawl back into bed and in an instant Rudi is by my side.

He places his hind legs as close to my upper arm as he can, then stretches across my chest. This is his usual routine. I stroke his head, scratch his ears, and he head-butts my hand for more stroking, more petting, more pampering.

As I lay here caressing him, it occurs to me that cats are very lucky. What I wouldn't give for a man in my life whom I could nuzzle up to and head-butt so he'd run his fingers through my hair and take my mind off the pain in my head.

Ah, to be a cat.

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