Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If I Were a Rich [Wo]Man

In light of some disturbing happenings in downtown Youngstown, I've been pondering what I would do if I won the lottery or had a sudden influx of a great deal of wealth.

I would do good.

Of course I would do much to foster the arts, supporting my favorite choruses and Interlochen and local museums and arts organizations. But I would also work to preserve the gorgeous architecture we see around us.

Additionally I would want to help educate people about housing. I would arrange classes to help the underprivileged learn to maintain their homes and manage their money so they would never lose their homes. I believe the activities of Habitat for Humanity and similar organizations are laudable, but you cannot just give someone a home without helping them understand what needs to be done to maintain and preserve the structure.

And I would do my dead level best to keep outside organizations from coming in and snapping up the cheap real estate in Youngstown without a plan to preserve these testaments to our past.

Read about our concerns:
I Will Shout Youngstown, #1
I Will Shout Youngstown, #2

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