Friday, April 20, 2007

Things I Learn About Myself

I was so overwhelmingly annoyed last night. When the event was over and I was attempting to leave by the stage door, as I had entered, I was told no one could leave that way, that everyone had to go out through the lobby. WTF? I kept telling the stagehands "I'm not a guest. I'm staff." But they were inflexible and immovable. When I was having this disagreement, I was 20 feet away from the door, could actually see the door, and the door was 50 feet away from my car. But I had to walk a couple hundred yards out through the front of house, then around the side of the hall and back down to the parking lot.

First off, why did they prevent me, a backstage kinda gal, from just calmly walking to my car.

Secondly, why did that tick me off so royally?

Ahhh, another topic for therapy!

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