Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hell Week

I'm not ignoring you. I'm just in Carmina Burana Hell Week and very busy days at work. Neither Carmina nor Voices of Light are going swimmingly. Tomorrow night we have a photo shoot, so must wear concert attire to rehearsal. Stephen Paulus, the Voices of Light composer, will be in attendance at rehearsal.

Oh, and by the way, for those of you who are unschooled in the logistics of a symphonic chorus such as those I sing in, let me clue you in: there's no pay for all this work. It's performed for the sheer love of music.

Good night. I'm going to go collapse onto my bed.


TJ said...

Take courage, dear mother. Remember that fortune, like the moon, is ever changing....

jc said...

And I'm DYING to know how many readers of this blog know exactly what you're saying. Definitely your brother. Maybe the PianoLady. Probably not anybody else. But I'm willing to eat my words!