Friday, March 07, 2008

Second Verse, Same As the First

Another good day, more favorable impressions of this company. Another class in the workings of the software. Spent lunchtime gassing up the car (which will probably be a twice-a-week occurrence) and grabbing a Wendy's single. Edited "Understanding Virtual Hold" in the afternoon and learned how to store it in the online document library.

Rushed home to a pot luck dinner party Tyler and Jaci had planned to introduce some of their friends to me. It was wonderful to see Ron and Marcia again, the first time since last summer. John and Sherry came from next door; they became friends last summer when they invited me and the babes over while Ty and Jaci were in Chicago. Also in attendance were Deb, another late-in-life lawyer I'd been wanting to meet, and Susie and Ray, who live one street west. There were four or five Ph.D.s and two J.D.s in the room and lots of lively conversation (along with lots of great food). I loved that I could put the babies to bed and neither Tyler nor Jaci had to leave their guests. By the time it was over, I could barely hold my eyes open.

This morning I had to get up early as I'm tutoring a couple of students in reading at an elementary school near the office. This is part of the AkronReads program, which a number of companies support with volunteers from their staff. I'm pleased to have been asked if I wanted to participate, so I'm running out early this morning.

I woke at 5:30, then set my alarm for 6:30 so I could sleep a little more. Alas, at 5:40 I heard my door open and this awful hacking cough preceded Boston down my hall. He appears to have caught his sister's cold.

I only like and miss and want my mother when I'm sick. Something about those bowls of tomato soup as a child imprinted her into my mind as good to have around when I'm sick. Maybe that's the only time she really paid attention to me. In any event, I was surprised that Boston came to me this morning rather than his mother or daddy. I was glad to be able to get up and find some things in the kitchen to help him feel better. I was glad to be able to take some of the load of T&J, to let them sleep after they worked so hard yesterday afternoon and evening to welcome me.

Boston asked me if I'd get him a Vitamin C and some cold milk. "Not hot milk. I don't like hot milk anymore. Hot milk tastes like macaroni and cheese but somebody left something out."

Now off to help a couple of struggling readers.

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