Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Anxiety Dreams

I've started dreaming about being cramped for space. When I return to my home, I have to climb up a vertical ladder (like Boston's ladder to his top bunk) into a space where I can't stand up. The carpet in my space is an ugly dark plaid of rust and olive. In my dream I have no space to spread out.

In real life I've started losing things. I can't find my prescription sunglasses. I've lost my good jeans. I keep trying to straighten my room so it doesn't look so cluttered, but what can you do when you have all your personal possessions in 150 square feet?

There's a little English cottage three blocks away I have my eye on. There's another center hall Colonial a block away my realtor wants me to look at. I could have a "land contract" on that house (Ohio-speak for rent-to-own) for $400/month!. But I'm happy here. But I don't want to wear out my welcome. But I'm providing a needed service here. Ah, the dilemma of so many decisions.

Luckily, I don't have enough money in the bank to be able to make any kind of decision today about the matter.

But it is in my dreams. Don't you hate anxiety dreams?!

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