Friday, October 19, 2007

Stress + Fatigue = Exhaustion

The Traveler left a message on my phone last night saying he had gotten a ticket for my Saturday night performance and would see me there. Then this morning, as I was forcing myself out of bed at 7:00, he called again. He said, "I'll see you tomorrow night." My response? "I thought you said Saturday, not Friday."

I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to tomorrow (that would be Saturday) morning when I can just lie in bed until I want to get up.

(Last night's Preview went very well. About twenty in the audience, lots of applause and "Bravo"s. A couple flubbed chord changes on my part; a couple missed notes and rests on the cast's part. Overall, a successful performance. Lotsa praise for my work - for the amount of very difficult music I learned in a very short time. The director and one of the singers both told me they had never met an accompanist who could do what I did over the past six weeks. Big smiles on my part.)

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