Friday, October 19, 2007

Pianist vs. Accompanist

Last night, after the performance, several of the performers thanked me for picking up after their errors, for staying with them. I said, "But that's an accompanist. That's what an accompanist does." (And then, more graciously, I said, "Of course.")

Tyler understands this about me and has been heard to explain this to people. I prefer being in the background. I don't like applause. I don't really want recognition.

However, as an aside, last night when the programs were delivered, I picked one up, opened it, and saw the list of performers and staff and noticed my name was missing. I then looked at the list of songs being performed and saw my name on my solo after intermission. I thought, okay, I guess I'll be satisfied with that. I looked again to make sure I wasn't missing something. Then I closed the program to look at the cover again, and noticed my name underneath the director's on the cover. Ah, sweet relief. Director: Robert Encila; Accompanist: Jan Crews.

So I guess I want acknowledgment. I'm just uncomfortable with effusive praise.

And the difference between a pianist and an accompanist? A pianist does his or her own thing. An accompanist supports the other person's thing.

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