Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Humor of a Five Year Old

The Traveler was getting on my case the other day because he said I don't mention Ridley nearly as much as I do Boston. I told him Boston and I have a very special bond that was forged when we met in the delivery room. Ridley, on the other hand, has always been a mama's girl. She also has had quite a bit of sickness in her life, which bonded her more closely to her mother. So Boston and I are joined at the heart, while Ridley and I are just now writing our story.

But to satisfy the Traveler's desire for some DearGrandDaughter stories, here are some Ridley jokes.

Q: Why did the bunny walk instead of hop?
A: Because he couldn't fart and farts make him bounce up and down.

Q: Why did the bunny eat applesauce instead of a carrot?
A: Because he didn't have teeth because he was a baby.

Q: Why did the glasses get off someone automatically?
A: Because they broke.

Q: Why did the monkey swing on a bear?
A: Because he wanted to bite him.

Q: Why did someone get undressed for no reason?
A: Because he liked to be naked all of the time.

(I didn't say these were G-rated. I said they came from a five-year-old!)

Q: Why did the fan break and then still blow?
A: Because the batteries weren't dead yet.

(Sometimes her jokes are simply fueled by whatever she sees around her. They have nothing to do with humor. She is just interrupt-driven.)

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Rainbow who?
The rainbow got up for no reason.

Frequent commenter Lucy's daughter Gwennie is the same age as Ridley and at the same level of development with her humor. I suggested to Tyler one morning that we just lock Gwennie and Ridley in a room together and let them knock knock each other out. Tyler said they'd probably just explode.

So there you go, Lee. Look back in the archives of this blog. There were far fewer quotes from Boston when he was five. There's a lot of development that goes on between five and seven. Your grandpa time is coming, I promise.


Lucy said...

Hee hee. I'm so glad that my five-year-old is not the only one obsessed with nakedness and farts (Gwennie calls them toots). She told me the other day that she named her "privacies" "Wigigi" after Mario Cart (sister translated that Gwennie meant "Luigi").

Here's a string of Gwennie dialog from last night: "My swim teacher is beautiful in her hair and her face. The real teacher, not the subatube. Everyone is beautiful, even black people. Is Aunt Kelly black? You can't be green. Some people have nine toes" (dialog ends and toe nail biting begins).

Jeannie said...

ah ha ha ha! Loved these!! With my new husband, came 2 new daughters for me and, our youngest is 5! (Yes ... I now have 6 kids ranging in age from 5 to 27 so don't get me started!) Anyway, these jokes are so bang on for a 5 yr old! lol!! I find I am either smiling and nodding at our Dana's silly jokes, or belly laughing at her very interesting observations about life that she does not really mean to be funny. It keeps me young and touches my heart to once again observe life through the eyes of a 5 yr old!

Recently, we were trying to convince Dana to come on an outing with us for a few hours but she wanted to go play with Grandma instead. Her father was disappointed because his time with her is limited so when we were driving her to Grandma's house he asked if she was SURE. She could still change her mind. She replied (with an exasperated sigh like he should know better) ... "Daddy, we have to spend time with the people we love while they are still around to spend time with and Grandma IS getting up there!" All we could do was laugh, say "out of the mouths of babes" and drive on to Grandma's house!
