Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Further on truth-telling

And then there's the issue of height. I'm 5'8". Okay, maybe 5'7-7/8". But I'm relatively tall. I've always been sensitive about being tall although I've come to enjoy it in the past few years. But I'm sensitive enough that I don't enjoy being with a man who is, say, 5'9" or less. I like to wear heels and I don't like to look down, altitudinally speaking, on a man. So my profile says I'm looking for men from 5'10" to 6'6". It's a fact of life that we lose height as we age. All my medical friends could explain it better, but it's something about the bones compacting or losing mass or something. (Really, my daddy was a doctor; my mother a nurse. I should know these things! I was taught to say clavicle instead of collarbone, and when we were going to a ball game, Daddy would ask, "do you need to micturate?" Hey, look what reading this blog does for your vocabulary!) Back to height. I've had first dates with a handful of men who say they're 5'10" or 5'11" or greater. I arrive for these dates wearing shoes with heels no greater than 1" in height. So now I'm 5'9" (okay, 5'8-7/8") and I'm looking these guys in the eyes or looking down on them. Fellas! Before you craft your profile, go see how tall you are. Just because you were 6'0" when you had a physical exam at age 44 doesn't mean you're still 6'0". Cynic that I am, if you deceive me about your height, I'm going to wonder what else you're deceiving me about.

<It is to laugh: the spellchecker on Blogger doesn't know the word "blog"!>

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