Monday, August 28, 2006

Sitting at the Feet of the Master

When Mr. Match came over Saturday night, I mentioned something about a statement on this blog. He then became curious about reading it and we sat, laptop in hand, for half an hour discussing various blogged topics.

So here's the "hood ornament" issue from his perspective:

When a mature (of body, not of mind — my definition, not his) man walks into a restaurant alone, every man in the restaurant turns and looks at him and says to himself, "Loser!" It doesn't matter whether the man walking in alone is an in cognito Bill Gates or a cleaned-up street person, if he is alone, he's a loser. When the same man walks in with an age-appropriate woman who appears to be his wife or companion, those men in the restaurant don't even notice him. There's nothing special about him. But when he walks in with a drop-dead-gorgeous woman twenty or more years younger than he, he is instantly envied by every man in the room. In Mr. Match's words, the man with the "hood ornament" just "stuck it to" every man in the room. (He actually used other terminology . . . .)

He says it's all about the competition. Every man wants to win.

1 comment:

TJ said...

I'd agree with a lot of that. Though I'd say it's about winning respect. Or, if you're feeling less charitable, envy.

Most of my married coworkers talk about living vicariously through me, and tales of my exploits.