Saturday, April 11, 2009

What's Next?

As I age (here we are again on this same theme), I'm aware that I frequently sound negative. FOMC used to say, 30+ years ago, that I complained all the time. I never considered it complaining. I thought I was just stating the truth. But when I look at my Tweets and my Facebook statuses (stati?) and my blog posts, I'm aware that readers could interpret these words as negative.

So I feel the need to elucidate what is good about my life.
  • I live three blocks away from my beloved grandchildren and get to spend lots of time with them.

  • In spending lots of time with my g'babes, I am able to help their parents—giving them the ability to enjoy unfettered adult time without worrying about their children.

  • I have a good job that pays me appropriately and feels fairly secure in this uncertain climate.

  • I have a lovely house that I'm slowly turning into a home.

  • I have occasional opportunities to use my musical abilities. (Currently I'm helping the barbershop quartet from "The Music Man" in their rehearsals.)

  • I have, finally, time to sew and a fabric stash that could carry me through the next two years without re-entering a fabric store.

  • I have some wonderful friends. Alas, most of them live many miles away. Which leads me to:

  • I am technologically savvy and can use the Internet and my high-tech cell phone to keep in touch with my friends-in-far-places.

  • I am healthy.

So I may not have a life that's structured as I would like, but I have a good life.

Things could be much worse!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray - the more you focus on the positive, the more positive things will come your way!
