Thursday, July 12, 2007

You May Be Right / I May Be Wrong

As I was driving in this morning and forming this post in my head, I slid right past my exit and had to drive several miles out of my way. So this had better be good!

Tyler and I are having an argument, in our own quiet, loving way, about the ACLU. In a simplistic nutshell, he likes them and I don't. I can't give him any concrete examples of why I don't like them, but these opinions were formed in law school. (I'm having the hardest time believing that law school began twenty years ago.) Things that were published in the 90s regarding the ACLU rubbed me the wrong way and ran counter to my abiding belief in taking responsibility for one's actions. As I recall, I felt the ACLU was litigious and jumping on controversy for controversy's sake.

The Professor agrees, of course, with Tyler. And in his own gentle, persuasive manner, is causing me to rethink my position.

As I've stated here in the past, my daddy, "Pakum" to the boys, would say "You may be right" when he was tired of an argument. Or when he thought the other person's argument was totally groundless. I always heard "you're full of beans" between the words of his statement. And I've used it in the same light with people I didn't want to argue with.

So that's not what I'm saying to Tyler. I'm not saying Pakum's veiled "you're full of shit." I'm saying, honestly and sincerely, "I may be wrong."

I'll keep reading. I'll keep studying. I respect your opinions wholeheartedly.

Aside to readers: Tyler has two blogs, both of them very well thought out. One is rather political in nature — that link is on the left navigation bar of this page. The other is about the beautiful renaissance of Youngstown.

Enjoy the writings of a man who learned early how to think for himself — unlike his mother.

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