Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Follow-up on Job Situation

Regarding Ken, my PITA IBM manager who says I can, then can't telecommute.

I had a long discussion yesterday with Donna, my team lead and friend. She told me about matters that had been occurring behind the scenes, outside of my knowledge, and the fact that a higher-up manager wants me and went to Ken to ask him to transfer me to the other department. Ken refused. It turns out Ken is the ultimate control freak and throws a temper tantrum when someone tries to tell him what to do.

So even though there are other departments and other managers who want me, and it would be in the best interest of IBM for the transfer to happen, it appears it will take an act of God or an IBM vice president to make this happen.

I feel like a pawn in a very big chess game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After learning about Ken, I think I will sell my IBM stock. I can't believe that employees are not allowed to talk with one another. You should leave IBM and go with a modern company like Gore in Flagstaff.
Employees are allowed to talk with one another like normal adults there. The best solution to the problem at IBM is to seek out and fire all the "Kens". Also, IBM could take some lessons from Apple Computer about how the world works.