Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You're *How* Old?

As you know, I'm 60 years and one week old today. When I say 60, it seems impossible. I know I've lived a long life, walked a circuitous route, but 60? How did that happen?

I'm lucky to have many friends, many good friends, who span a wide age range. One of my best friends and favorite people is 26. Every time he sees me, he hugs me. And a number of friends from my former job are in their 30s and 40s. Many of my Tucson friends are in their 30s, with a few in their 70s.

When I'm with a friend, I forget how old I am. I think I'm the same age my friend is. We have similar interests, we pursue similar activities. How can I be 20 or 30 or 35 years older than that scintillating person?

Then I get home and look in the mirror and I'm shocked that a 60-year-old woman with hidden gray hair and age spots on her hands is looking back at me!

I guess this age-forgetfulness is a good thing. If I think I'm able easily to walk three miles or throw a pot on the wheel or stand up and sit down repeatedly for a three-hour rehearsal, then maybe I'll retain the ability to do those things.

If I stay around young people and communicate with young people, will I retain my young outlook on life?

I can only hope. And keep trying.

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