Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dear Friend

Today I wish a very happy and healthy 60th birthday to my darling friend of forty-one years!

Her pseudonym, PianoLady, pops up here regularly, and three years ago I documented her birthday.

She is 20 days older than I, and we were born in the same hospital. She grew up less than two blocks from my elementary school, we took accordion lessons at the same studio, and we took piano lessons at the same studio for a while. We never met until my first semester at University of Central Florida. And our lives have never been far apart since that day.

I played for her first and third weddings; she played for my first wedding and was my matron-of-honor at my second.

We differ drastically on a handful of issues. For example, she prays for me and I think.good.thoughts for her. She would like to see me come back to a church, and I would, with equal depth of interest, like that never to happen again in my life.

But we love music. And we love each other. And we have a lot of history and understanding of each other. She has had a lot of challenges in life with a handicapped son, and I have done everything in my power to support and encourage her. She loves and accepts me unconditionally. Could anyone ask for more in a friend?

So, Darling Cheryl, I hope you have a wonderful day. Sixty looks damned good on you!

See you in October!!

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