Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Checking In, Checking Up, Checking Out

As I observe my housemate and his ex-wife communicating with regard to their darling daughter, I am impressed at how they use technology to their advantage.

When FMOC and I had to communicate regarding our children, I always felt discomfort. I didn't like the way he treated me, hence I was never eager to talk to him. I felt I had to advocate for my children, yet I didn't believe he ever gave any credence to my words. So even the simplest task as updating pick-up times was painful—at least for me.

Nowadays the non-resident parent can just text, "Tell X I said 'good morning' and I love her." Boom. Done. The child feels secure and loved; the parents can communicate sans emotion; everybody wins. It's brilliant!

I'm sure the inventors of texting never dreamed of the far-reaching effects of their technology.

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