Monday, July 19, 2010

Prize-winning [Bogus] Status Updates

When I need a good laugh, I know where to turn: The Washington Post Style Invitational. When I lived in D.C., I word turn to the Style Invitational first when the Sunday Post arrived. I don't read it as regularly nowadays, but I still end up laughing out loud each time I do read it.

Yesterday's edition had me emitting guffaws, yet again. Here's the link, then scroll down to "Report from Week 874."

My fave? Probably the one about strewing BP executives heads along the shore.


(Photo credit: Bob Staake for The Washington Post)


The Empress of The Style Invitational said...

Glad you enjoy the Invite, Jan. You know, though, that you're missing lots of great stuff all those weeks you forget to read it.

The Invitational is posted every Friday between 3 and 3:30 p.m. at And shortly after that, I send out a link on Facebook from the "Washington Post Style" page. If you sign up for that on Facebook, you'll never miss a nugget of Loserdom.

The Empress of The Style Invitational

Jan Crews said...

Your Imperial Majesty,

I'm honored to receive your communication. I have now subscribed to the SMS update, and will look forward to weekly Friday afternoon joy.

Thanks and a kiss of your royal ring,