Friday, July 16, 2010

A Brilliant Solution

You might remember several months ago when I posted about "The Gift of Giving." Some of you probably thought I was waaaay too into myself.

The other day I saw a quote somewhere about putting thought into a gift, and started ruminating (i.e. obsessing) again about this issue.

Then, today, an epiphany entered my inbox. The daily e-mail from Real Simple magazine, which I love, listed "6 Problem-Solvers." The first of their problem solvers is perfect for last minute gifts or gifts given by procrastinators. Texting with Benefits! Really!

Look at the Giiv site. Ingenious!! Movie tickets. Spa treatments. Wine. Barnes & Noble books. Krispy Kreme donuts! Toms Shoes (and an extra pair of shoes for a needy child!)! You walk into the store or restaurant or logon to the provider's Web site and provide the code in the text on your phone and—Voila! You've received your gift.

I wish I had thought of this. I think it is an absolutely brilliant solution to an age-old problem. (The problem? Forgetfulness!) Listen, y'all, I'm not proud. You want to give me a gift for my next birthday (when I'll be 61 and needing cheer)? Think Giiv.


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