Friday, July 30, 2010

It's a Tough Job . . .

… but somebody's gotta do it.

When I picked up the babes for a sleepover last night, I noticed Ridley was wearing the soft, pretty tiered patchwork pink-and-white skirt that I bought for her birthday. With it she was wearing a very busy soft gathered printed tunic in pink, blue, lavender, aqua, … on white. I looked at it and asked her where the pink t-shirt was that went with the skirt. She looked at her skirt and top and said, "They both have pink in them." Well, I gotta salute her for that. But this child needs some training in what goes together.

She goes for themes. Yesterday was a "pink" theme. When I took her to dinner on Tuesday, she had a "bow" theme going. She had a turquoise and black bow in her hair, the hot pink t-shirt (that goes with yesterday's skirt) with a bow at the neck, black and white soccer shorts ("They were the only shorts that were clean."), and brown and cream shoes. With a bow on the toe. Honestly, this girl dresses like she's a color test at the optometrist's office.

While we were walking around Lowe's and Jo-Ann's last night, we talked about how to put outfits together. It's okay to have a busy print (last night's tunic) so long as you don't pair it with another busy print (last night's skirt). People's eyes don't know where to go. It's overwhelming. That's why you wouldn't wear stripes and plaids together—it's just too much in one place. She protested a couple of times and then finally said, "Ok, I get it."

This morning she opened her suitcase to get dressed for the day. On top was a black hoodie with cream stripes. Then she pulled out her shorts—pink and brown plaid madras patchwork shorts. She said, "I'm going to change my shirt when I get home."

Whew—she's open to guidance!


Anonymous said...

really? isn't it a little harsh to criticize the fashion choices of someone under the age of 8? every outfit you described here sounds both appropriate for a girl ridley's age and also in keeping with current fashion trends. mixing prints with prints and/or unexpected colors is very in! give her some credit!

Jan Crews said...

I disagree with you. I believe this is the time in her life when her tastes are being formed, and she needs guidance. If you had seen these outfits, you could have understood why they hurt my eyes. Just a grandma providing guidance, sharing the humor with you.

But thanks for contributing!