Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rethinking One's Position

I've always been pretty conservative in my thinking. And I was raised in a very straight-laced Christian mindset. Oh, wait—what I'm saying is I was not thought to think for myself. I was taught to accept whatever I was told without thinking.

That oughta be a crime!

When all the furor about gay marriage started a few years ago, I was adamantly against it. I didn't discuss it with anyone—I was also raised not to discuss politics. I felt strongly that civil unions were fine for homosexuals. A civil union, properly defined, would give the parties the same rights as a marriage, but without the name.

Recently I've started rethinking my position. What shook my position was a statement made on a talk show about childhood dreams. If I look at the world around me and see marriage as the norm, and I—as a child or teen—dream about my wedding, in whatever form it might take, why shouldn't I be able to dream about my dream spouse-to-be, whether it be a man or a woman?

It's my dream!

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As I was sorting through these thoughts in my mind prior to writing this post, I remembered how Husband #2 hated my ever referring to him as my spouse. He wanted to be referred to as my husband or by his name. He seemed to feel my calling him my spouse dehumanized him (or maybe he thought it desexed him!).

But then, he was kinda rigid in his attitudes and beliefs.

Yet another marriage I'm glad I'm no longer enduring.
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So I'm changing my position. If homosexuals wish to jump through the same marriage-and-divorce hoops—to fund the same lawyers—as heterosexuals, who am I to deny them that? If it comes to a vote, I'll vote "yes".

Me? Cynical? Nah!

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