Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Be Responsible for Your Own Words

The thing that annoyed me the most last night as I listened to the debate while driving home from rehearsal was the way each candidate prefaced his own words by projecting what his opponent was going to do.

[My opponent] is going to [do this about that]. Excuse me. You don't have a snowball's chance in hell of knowing definitively what your opponent is going to do on any issue. Either of you! Just shut_TF_up and tell me what you're going to do. The longer you spend attempting to defame your opponent before actually telling me what you're going to do, the less I'm inclined to believe you.

And McCain not shaking Obama's hand? That's just rude. Didn't his mama teach him anything?

I think Favorite Author Chris Barzak said it best in his post this morning. There's nothing new under the electoral sun. Let's just get it over with.

In fact, Tyler voted on Monday. He's done. And yet my Twitter friend Olevia, who is a resource librarian in Cleveland, said people came to her desk yesterday wanting to know where they could register to vote. What? Have they been on desert islands for the past few weeks while e-mails have been flying fast and furiously warning people that the deadline to register was approaching.

God, are we a nation of idiots?

The next 27 days is just going to be about blowing money on very expensive ads and commercials to slam the other candidate. Oh, and about Palin giving Tina Fey fodder for her perfect fit impersonations on SNL.

Actually, I think I'll go to a desert island with no television or radio for 27 days. Or else NYC for three days. :)

1 comment:

TJ said...

We are a nation of individuals being spoon-fed the idea that there are only two parties, and that there's really any difference between them. As often as I've thought about moving out of Texas, I'd miss the opportunity to vote straight-ticket Libertarian.