Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

My little sweetie pie is nine today! I remember his birth as if it was yesterday. His mother graciously and generously invited me to join them in the delivery room, so I was able to see him make his way out and hear him cry. For the first two years of his life, I didn't work and was able to spend lots and lots of time with him. We bonded strong and sure, and he is the light in my life.

He loves: a stuffed dog named Benjamin; taking pictures with Grandma's iPhone; examining bugs and climbing trees and swimming; building with Legos and playing games on the Wii. He plays the piano and sings on pitch; he is curious about everything that exists; he plays Scrabble with his grandma and torments his sister; he loses himself in books of all kinds; he creates art on Grandma's sewing machine. He is a treasure to all who know him.

Happy Birthday, Bapa. Your grandma adores you.

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