Monday, September 14, 2009

The Driving Queen

After my weekend trip to NC to attend my aunt's memorial service, I have lots of thoughts about death and dying and aging. I will parcel those out over the next week, but now I've got to hit the road again.

And how much driving did I do over the weekend? On Thursday, I left the office at 12:30, gassed up the car, drove through Wendy's for my Single-with-only-lettuce-and-tomato and unsweetened iced tea, and headed south. My brother and sister-in-law left their home in Tampa mid-afternoon, flew into Greenville-Spartanburg, and rented a car to drive up to Hendersonville. We arrived at Mother's apartment within two minutes of each other, a little after 9:30.

On Saturday night, we all gathered at my cousin's house after the memorial service for food and friendship. I left there at 7:40, gassed up the car, and got as far as Bristol, TN, before I couldn't keep my eyes open. The next morning I left the hotel at 7:15 and, after only one stop for gas and a quick pull-through the same Wendy's in Akron, arrived at my rehearsal location in Cleveland at ten minutes until 2:00. I was thankful for finding a fellow driver who had a radar detector. I tailed him for about 30 miles, making up enough time to not be late to rehearsal.

Why do I care so much about being on time to rehearsal? Because you cannot go to your seat once rehearsal has begun. And yesterday I was seated on the front row! Oh, and missing a rehearsal? Well, you have to sing for the conductor by yourself so he knows you're keeping up. This chorus is no cakewalk, People.

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