Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Wonders of Youngstown

There's been quite an uproar in the Youngstown Blogosphere lately as a result of an article published by Forbes Magazine. Rather than give you all the links, I'll give you the link to Tyler's Vindy.com Reason blog, which contains several links.

I write about this tonight as Mill Creek Park and, specifically, Fellows Riverside Gardens has become one of Boston's and Ridley's and my favorite places to go after I get home from work each evening. When their daddy has a meeting to attend and their mom needs her gym and yoga time, we run to Subway or we pack a sandwich and we go enjoy the magnificence that is Mill Creek Park.

We love standing on the overlook with the beautiful view of Lake Glacier.

Oh, to be five again and roll down a hill.

It was a beautiful late summer evening when one could easily wear a sweater. Not a cloud dotted the blue sky, and my babes and I enjoyed our time together in this remarkable natural treasure.

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