Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spring at Last!

Honestly? This has been the longest, coldest, wettest winter/pseudo-spring of my entire life. For a Southern Belle, this kind of protracted wet cold is simply no fun.

But finally we have some warmth and spring blossoms. We had horrific pollen and sneezing for about three weeks, but that seems to be gone to, and not a moment too soon.

This is COC hell week again - although not as arduous as most hell weeks. We had rehearsal the past two nights—had to be there at 6:30 p.m., but were off the stage and out the door before 8:45. Our first performance of the set will be tonight, then Saturday night will be our final performance of the season.

So as I race out the door to drive, yet again, to Cleveland, here are some of my spring flowers. The bottom row shows the iris outside my kitchen window on Sunday and again on Wednesday. WHat a show!!

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