Saturday, February 24, 2007

Eight Days a Week

Why are weekends so long? I do okay through the week. I stay pretty focused at work, and keep my evenings full with activities and commitments. But the weekends — I think about the things I could and should be doing, and I do nothing. And I sit and think how alone I am and then I feel like a dinghy bobbing on the ocean.

There's got to be a solution to this dilemma, but I absolutely don't know what it is or how to resolve it.

However, on the positive side, my dinner last night was a smashing success. The seven board members in attendance actually got a significant amount of work done, even though we went throught eight bottles of wine! After the meeting was over, Eric and I sat and played four-hand Mozart and Schubert and Schumann and Brahms. We stopped around midnight, and it was the most fun I've had in quite a while.

And in an hour I'll go meet Jill for dinner and a concert at the Fox. I guess it's not so bad. If that's so, why do I feel so empty?

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