Monday, June 28, 2021


I have a headache from the crap weather this morning (but while I'm ranting, my heart goes out to the people in the Pacific Northwest and the western states who are suffering from the horrific heat and drought). But my rant is this: if someone mentions that they have some condition that's making them feel bad, don't try to fix it for them. Just say you're sorry they don't feel well. And please don't tell me to talk to my doctor in my annual female physical this morning! I've had headaches since I was 16 or so, and migraines since 18. I'm as on top of it as anyone can be about migraine. I know far more about my headaches than my female-doctor ever will. Just say, "I'm sorry you don't feel well. Is there anything I can do for you?' And I'll say, "No, but thank you for asking." And we'll be done with that. 

So annoyed with Spousal Equivalent this morning. This is the second time in twelve hours that he's told me what to do: last night it was when to get over into the turn lane; this morning it was, yet again, about my headaches. Really, it must be such a burden for him to know everything about every damned thing. Yes, that was sarcasm! 

I needed to rant. I wrote the first paragraph on Facebook, then cut it to paste somewhere elsehererather than air my dirty laundry where it could come back to haunt me. 

Thank you for letting me rant. 

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