Friday, January 06, 2012

How Do You Express Your Stress?

The first time the Jazzman stayed over, I confessed that I wear a bite guard when I sleep. During my four years of ultrastress with Evil Ex-Fiancé From Hell, I became a grinder. Two days before leaving for a three-week trip to France, Switzerland and Germany, my jaw froze and I could only open my mouth 1". Oh, the amount of exquisite European cuisine that went uneaten on that trip!

The Jazzman has been very kind and attentive in helping me remember to wear my bite guard. Last night, just before rolling over and closing his eyes, he said, "Don't forget to put your guard in." Ever the elegant communicator, I responded, "Oh, screw it."

He is no fool. He knows the amount of stress I'm feeling right now. At least twice a week I wake him from a dead sleep and say, "I heard something." He knows!

When I indicated so eloquently that I didn't want to put my guard in, he said, "You won't have any teeth left."

So I bit the bullet, er, the bite guard.

I personally think that's a sign of genuinely caring about someone—when not only do you not mind that she sleeps with a bite guard, you help her remember to wear it.

Awwww. Aren't I lucky?

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