Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Let the Games Begin

We sat as a family after dinner last night and played a new game Tyler had gotten off Amazon—"Ticket to Ride." Although the babies were a little antsy with the length of time to play the game, the adults enjoyed the time together.

We have always been a game-playing family. When TJ and Tyler were little, their father and I used to have people over for dinner-and-games every Saturday night. Card games, board games. Once we rode through Europe on a train playing a three-letter word-guessing game where you have to keep everything in your head. I loved it. Once I divorced him, there were no games evenings. And in the 27 years since that split, I've never found anyone to play games with.

I'm honored that my son would say to me, "Hey, Mom, you wanna play a game?"

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