His note started out, "Noticed you noticed." It went on in his inimitable communication style—always full of humor and innuendo. He didn't start out trying to woo me or impress me with his remarkable qualities (of which there are many). He just sent a chatty e-mail and mentioned some commonalities. I think he was testing the waters to see if I would respond.
One of the things his profile said was "...we are now at the point of having to take a leap of faith."
And leap I did. I sent a chatty e-mail back to him, mentioning off-handedly that I was having an awful time installing a mirror in my bathroom. That led to a couple more e-mails before he suggested we meet for dinner on Sunday evening.
This is all I blogged about that meeting. I didn't expect it to go anywhere, as it had been a year-and-a-half since I had had a date, and I certainly didn't want to jinx it! As I was driving home that night, and through the following week as I flashed back to that evening, I thought it was the most comfortable and easy first date I had ever been on.
This was written after the second date. I was astonished when I learned he had told his mother and brother he had met someone—after only two dates. I knew then that this was an unusual man.
Twelve months later, deeply in love, sharing a roof and our lives, I still think he's an unusual man. Add to that the descriptors "compassionate," "caring," "gentle," and "tons o' fun".
If you had told me 1, 11, 21, or 31 years ago that at 60 I would think life was fun, I would have said you were insane.
Life is fun!
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