Just in case you don't live in Ohio, I'll give you a little clue. It's cold!
By the time this winter storm advisory ends on Wednesday morning, we should have about two feet of snow. Would you like to know what shoveling that is like if one is not fortunate enough to own a snow blower? It's exhausting and hard on the shoulders and back. I'm not looking forward to this exercise!
But I am very grateful to work from home, where the cats and I glance out the window at the squirrels running around looking for acorns.
Stay warm!
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P.S. I neglected to mention that we are having wind gusts up to 45-50 mph. Each time one of those blows snow past my office in a whoosh!, Angel just jumps out of his deep sleep next to the window. It's terribly funny, in a very sick sort of way.
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