Saturday, August 08, 2009

RIP Persephone

My son, T.J., lost one of his kitties yesterday. I was privileged to get to know this sweet kitty on a couple of visits to T.J.'s Dallas apartment. She looked exactly like a cat I had adopted in 2006 but taken back because Rudi wouldn't have any part of it, and like Tyler and Jaci's Pepper.

Persephone was a real lover, and T.J. was very patient with her through a long illness.

May she now be running in fields of catnip.


Jenn said...

I'm so sorry for TJ!

Apparently not a good year for tabbies (Gremlin was a tabby as well).

Jan Crews said...

Thanks, Jenn. I know you really miss Gremlin.

TJ said...

Thank you Jenn. Every week for over two months, the vet's office stuck her with a needle, and she never once tried to bite or (as far as I know) to escape. I didn't give her enough credit for most of her life; my other cat is much more outgoing. But I really came to respect and admire her for her patience and bravery. She was a real soldier. And she was very special.