My kids and g'kids are at Walt Disney World today. I'm so jealous. For seven years of my life I was associated with WDW, both as a staff accompanist (that's a pianist, if you didn't know) and as a Dickens Caroler. I have so many warm memories of that association.
By the time they were two and four years old, my sons had been to the Magic Kingdom at least 100 times. Back in the days before you had to watch your child every moment, I would find a bench in Tomorrowland and TJ (The Child Formerly Known as Scott) would just run back and forth across that open plaza, as fast as his little legs would carry him. When his dad stage-managed the Kids of the Kingdom singer-dancer troupe, he knew all the songs and all the choreography.
Oh, how I would love to see the looks on Boston's and Ridley's faces today. How I would love to ride on Peter Pan's Flight with them (my fave ride!). And for them to see it for the first time when all the Christmas decorations are up—it's just too magical for words.
I searched for a WDW webcam today and found one. I quickly texted Tyler to let me know when they were standing at Town Square on Main Street so I could look at them. Then I reread the home page and realized the webcam was only virtual. It was only a simulation of being live. Ha ha, the joke's on me.
A simulation of being live, of having a life: that's how I'm feeling with them gone for all this time!
Remember our first trip to WDW on Christmas Eve -- was that 1968 or 69??? IS THAT 40 YEARS AGO???????
FOYC drove and when we arrived back at the parking lot around 11 pm and piled into the car with our framed silhouettes and other WDW souvenirs, his car wouldn't start....M-e-m-o-r-i-e-s.......
That's so funny. I remembered the story, but thought it was y'all's car! It was brother-in-law Larry's car, now that I think back, and the brake pedal stuck down so that the brake lights stayed on and drained the battery.
It was 1971 -- the year the park opened.
The Peter Pan ride is my favorite!
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