Friday, December 28, 2007

Courage and Wuss-ness

Okay, I said I was never going to do it again. But I looked. I peaked on to see if there were any good-looking men in and around Youngstown. And lo and behold, there was a nice-looking 59yo attorney in Warren. So I sent him an "eye contact" (cupid's ice-breaker). I checked this morning and he had looked at my profile and had taken no action. No eye contact. No note. No nothin'.

My thoughts today are of how much courage it takes people to reach out to express interest in someone they see online. And of how little effort it takes to reply, to just say "thanks" or even, "thanks, but no thanks." Didn't your mama teach you any manners? But no matter how little effort it takes, I guess it takes less effort to do nothing.

I'd rather make the effort and know that my reputation as a kind and nice person is intact.

And I salute all those single people who have the courage to reach out. In my case, it amounts to nothing. But at least I find the courage and take some action.

I might even try again in, say, six months.

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