Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lovin' my Starbucks

I ran in to get a mocha this morning against my better judgment. I was running late as I had to wait around the house for the appraiser to come - part of my "get a mortgage/pay your taxes" exercise.

Today I'm wearing Susan Silvy silver-core lampworked beads hanging off large sterling silver hoop earrings. It's way out of my norm — nothing subtle or understated about these earrings. The gal who took my order noticed and commented on the beads and asked about the artist.

Then while I was waiting for my drink to be delivered, another woman noticed the lampwork bead hanging off my lanyard with my IBM badge. Turns out it's a bead I made back in my learning-to-lampwork days. It's a periwinkle blue dotted with transparent royal blue dots. To the perfectionist, it's a half-assed bead. But to someone who just loves glass and the color blue, it's exquisite. And I made it. And someone noticed and commented.

It made me smile.

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